Monday, April 24, 2006

Meteorological mood swings

Yesterday, average local temperatures were in the low 80's. This morning it snowed. I know it has to do with the mountains and the strange convergences of northern and Pacific fronts that we get over Colorado, but for crying out loud, for once I'd like to be able to reliably plan my wardrobe for a week in advance.

On the plus side... We have a saying around here: If you don't like the weather, wait a few days.

It's rough on the garden, though. The Japanese maple tree in our front yard gets hammered in the springtime.



Saturday, April 22, 2006

Senoritis, or something completely different

I have too much work to do for the time I have in which to do it. I am two weeks away from the end of my senior year, and I still have another summer and fall semester to get through before I graduate. Most of my friends are preparing for life after college.

I should be tearing my hair out by the roots in despair. I should be climbing the walls of the engineering center, desperate to escape.

And yet, I am at peace with my current situation. I have reached a state of a kind of zen. I am content to hole myself up in the lab every day for hours at a time, slogging away at my enormous to-do list of project objectives and homework assignments. Sometimes I forget to eat lunch until my stomach starts making angry noises around 4 p.m., and my reaction to this is a mildly surprised "Huh, it's later than I thought," a trip to my locker for a snack bar, and a return to my lab station to work for another several hours. I end up back at the lab most weekends. I go to bed every night by 10, wake up every morning by 6, and have learned to like Quaker Peaches & Cream instant oatmeal and a cup of coffee with milk and sugar in the mornings.

Matt, who complains that I don't drink "real" coffee (namely, black), grudgingly admits that at least I've pared it down to this from my old habit of drinking exclusively "fake coffee-flavored beverages" (as Matt referred to them).

I'm even still interested in most of my classes.

It's going to be a good year.


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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Four / Twenty

How did this become an event? It's something over which we roll our eyes, here in the People's Republic of Boulder. Every year at 4:20 p.m. on April 20th, a crowd gathers at Farrand Field on the university campus to light up and enjoy their marijuana.

Supposedly it's a rally in favor of legalizing posession of small amounts of pot. There's a Denver-based group who call themselves "SAFER" (Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation) advocating recreational marijuana use instead of alcohol. CU students passed a referendum last year "encouraging" the university administration to reduce marijuana use/posession penalties to the same as those for alcohol. Also last year, Denver voters passed an initiative to make marijuana legal for private adult use.

And they say Colorado's a conservative state. Pfft.

This year the local police put up barricades around Farrand Field and announced it was closed, warning that trespassers would be fined.

I'm doubtful that these measures will have proved to be effective deterrents. This is Boulder, after all.

