Flirting: just add vodka

Around 1:15 a.m., two inebriated (but polite) young men from a few tables over came to sit with us. One of them, College Guy #1, swore he recognized me from his business classes at the university, I promised him that I had never taken a business class in my life, he proceeded to apologize (repeatedly) for making an idiot out of himself, and I reassured him (repeatedly) that it was a mistake easily made and just as easily forgiven. His friend, College Guy #2, struck up a conversation with my friend, bought her another vodka martini, and compared his friend to "that guy, you know, the one who says something stupid no matter what," after which my friend joined me in attempting to reassure College Guy #1 that he was not, in fact, "that guy."
You should understand that the entire interaction consisted of near-shouting to be heard over the (admittedly thunderous, but very good) piano-playing happening on stage, and I could hear maybe half of the words exchanged, my own included. This resulted in rather disjointed conversations and a frequent occurence of the universal "Huh?"
After a little while, during which College Guy #2 talked my friend (repeatedly) into taking "just one sip" of his alcohol-and-coke beverage ("it's really good, I promise") and College Guy #1 consoled himself in flirting with an equally-inebriated (and very appreciative) young woman at another table, my friend collected the phone number of College Guy #2 and we left.
We had a good laugh about the whole thing in the car on the way home.
That is the first time that a complete stranger has ever so much as attempted to flirt with me, regardless of the outcome. There is a little voice in my head complaining that he was just drunk; still, it was rather flattering, and I am inordinately pleased about it.
Labels: everyday, ponderings
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