Biology and My Future?
I'm in the middle of another pre-exam multi-day study session. For biology. I always confuse the differences between the various phases of cellular mitosis and meiosis.
I'm not a big fan of microbiology. Anatomy and biomechanics are more my thing.

I talked to one of my coolest professors ever, Daria, on Tuesday. We had a chat about engineering and other careers, among other things. Once again, I was informed that medical education programs look favorably on engineering backgrounds. So, once again, I find myself looking favorably on the career of Physician Assistant. They're somewhere between nurse and doctor; to be certified, most programs do 2 years of graduate education followed by a year of internship rotations. (Yes, I have done my research.) And a P.A. can specialize in basically anything that a doctor can. I'm thinking maybe radiology, maybe orthopedics, maybe family practice -- I don't know. That's supposedly what the year of internships is for, so you can get an idea for what you want to do.
I went to the Rock N Soul cafe in east Boulder on Tuesday night to see my friend Janine sing. (She works at the hospital.) She was there with her bluegrass/folk trio, the Whipporwills. They sounded great! I love old-fashioned harmonies.
Labels: everyday, my future, science
Ummm.... Well, I hope to eventually open a cheesecake selling business from the back of an old school bus. You could join me on said venture.
I want to grow up to be a pirate to pillage the seas and NYC and stuff. You could be my imitation parrot until I find a real one.
Do something you love - people keep telling me that. I'm starting to believe them.
I always wanted to be a parrot. Bevis, can we visit Alaska?
If Alaska is where the polar bears and penguins live then yes, otherwise sure.
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